Smart Grid Data Concentrator Unit with PRIME 1.3.6 communication and balancing meter functionality deployed in Energa-Operator (DSO).

OS: Phoenix-RTOS 2.0 Apps: metrology, PRIME 1.3.6 stack, DCU application, UN*X tools Market: Poland Volume: 20K

Saiman Smart Meter

Single and three phase smart energy meters with USB interface and PRIME 1.3.6 connectivity manufactured by the largest vendor in Kazakhstan. Devices are based on single microprocessor and functionality is completely software defined.

OS: Phoenix-RTOS 2.0 Apps: metrology with DLMS/COSEM, PRIME 1.3.6 stack Market: Kazakhstan

Apator Metrix iSMART

Software defined smart gas meter targeted for first deployments in Poland compliant with the SMART-GAS communication standard.

OS: Phoenix-RTOS 3.0 Apps: metrology, SMART-GAS connectivity (2G) Market: Poland Volume: 16K

Apator Metrix iSMART2

Software defined, scalable smart gas meter. Advanced functionality, high precision, wireless connectivity (2G, 3G, 4G, Wireless M-Bus) with more than 10 years battery lifetime.

OS: Phoenix-RTOS 3.0 Apps: metrology, Wireless M-Bus stack, TCP/IP stack


Smart Grid Data Concentrator Unit with PRIME 1.3.6 communication and balancing meter functionality deployed in Energa-Operator (DSO).

OS: Phoenix-RTOS 2.0 Apps: metrology, PRIME 1.3.6 stack, DCU application, UN*X tools Market: Poland Volume: 10K

Apator KNCN-11

Smart Grid Data Concentrator Unit with PRIME 1.3.6 and PRIME 1.4 FCC (all bands) communication and balancing meter functionality deployed in Energa-Operator (DSO).

OS: Phoenix-RTOS 3.0 Apps: metrology, PRIME 1.4 stack (FCC), DCU application, UN*X tools Market: Poland Volume: 9K meter

Prototype of smart energy meter with Edge-IoT architecture, rich connectivity and exchangeable user applications executed directly on the meter (e.g. for cloud integration).

OS: Phoenix-RTOS 3.0 Apps: metrology, PRIME 1.3.6/1.4, G3-PLC, IEEE 802.15.4, TCP/IP stacks, Python

iSMART2 meter for Fluvius

Apator Metrix won the tender in Belgium and will deliver one million iSMART2 gas meters based on Phoenix-RTOS.

OS: Phoenix-RTOS 3.0 Apps: metrology, Wireless M-Bus stack Market: Belgium Volume: 1M

Apator NILEE

Smart energy meter with Edge-IoT architecture, rich connectivity and exchangeable user applications executed directly on the meter (e.g. for cloud integration).

OS: Phoenix-RTOS 3.0 Apps: metrology, PRIME 1.3.6/1.4, G3-PLC, IEEE 802.15.4, TCP/IP stacks, Python Market: Poland