Thread synchronization


GETFROMSTACK(ustack, unsigned int *, h, 0);

Creates mutex and returns resource handle h.

syscalls_mutexLock (syscalls_phMutexLock)

GETFROMSTACK(ustack, unsigned int, h, 0);

Locks mutex given by handle h.


GETFROMSTACK(ustack, unsigned int, h, 0);

Tries to lock mutex given by handle h.


GETFROMSTACK(ustack, unsigned int, h, 0);

Unlocks mutex given by h.


GETFROMSTACK(ustack, unsigned int *, h, 0);

Creates conditional variable and returns its handle in variable h.

syscalls_condWait (syscalls_phCondWait)

GETFROMSTACK(ustack, unsigned int, h, 0);
GETFROMSTACK(ustack, unsigned int, m, 1);
GETFROMSTACK(ustack, time_t, timeout, 2);

Waits on conditional given by 'h' for number of microseconds given by timeout. Before suspending a calling thread execution mutex identified by m handle is unlocked to enable other thread modifying variables used to check conditionals after conditional signalization. When conditional variable is signaled mutex m is locked.

Libc wrapper: int condWait(handle_t h, handle_t m, time_t timeout)


GETFROMSTACK(ustack, unsigned int, h, 0);

Signals conditional given by h.


GETFROMSTACK(ustack, unsigned int, h, 0);

Signals conditional to all waiting threads.

See also

  1. System calls
  2. Table of Contents